Acceptable Meditations

Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
It’s important to understand that the root word from which we get the word music is “muse.” “To think.” Music is truly thoughts expressed by patterns and combinations of sounds. One note by itself doesn’t say a whole lot. But the minute that note is combined with another, a melody is born, enriched by a supporting harmony, and carried along by the accompanying rhythm – an idea is being communicated by the composer. Music is a powerful conveyor of thoughts and emotions. That’s why it is important that, as Christians, we meditate (think) on the right things. Joyful Meditations exists to help believers fill their hearts and minds with acceptable things. Things that, as Philippians says are lovely, full of virtue and truth, of a good report, and full of praise. How blessed are we when we think on these things. May the prayer of the psalmist be echoed in our hearts and may the music that we listen to cause our minds to be drawn to our Redeemer.