What is God's Perspective on Prayer?

It happened just this morning. I had just completed one meeting and one minor task when my cell phone rang.
“Yes, Dear?”
“Is my book bag in your office? I think I left it there yesterday. Can you bring it home to me?”
Ugh! I was just getting into my day and now I have this interruption! I often get calls from her brothers and sister, too. Last night it was a phone call while I was on a date with their mother. Once again, “Ugh!” was my gut response as I listened to the report that their rough housing had resulted in one of them getting hurt. Lest you think too ill of me, let me explain that my chagrin is not with the fact that my children are calling me, but with the news they are delivering. It makes a big difference. It thrills me when the phone rings and I discover that one of my children is on the phone, regardless of the reason. When my nine year old daughter called about the book bag, just the sound of her voice melted my heart. I love to hear her voice and talk with her. My love for my children makes it special to talk with them even when the topic is less than pleasant.
As I left the office today to deliver the book bag, it occurred to me that these mixed emotions might just be the same feelings that God feels when we approach Him. I never want my kids to stop calling me. I want to hear about their woes, booboos, failures and struggles, even though they sadden me. Of course the joyful, “Guess what I just won?” phone calls are more fun, but even then, the news is just secondary to my joy in communicating with my children.
Certainly our prayers to God are not cute like the phone calls from children, but my children don’t often call me with cuteness in mind. They have concerns and sorrows that are very real to them and they know that Daddy cares and is willing to help them solve their problems. That same emotion is often in our prayers, is it not? “God, I need Your help! There is this situation that is frustrating me and I need You to help fix it or show me how to deal with it.” Certainly God sometimes is saddened that we have not learned to deal with life’s ups and downs with maturity at times, but as I feel toward my kids, God loves to hear our voice. Even when we have to confess sins and ask for forgiveness, God wants us to come to Him. (I John 1:9) Our dependence on Him is not burdensome to Him, but brings Him joy! That is why He instructs us to cast all our care on Him and bring every thing to Him with prayer and supplication. (I Peter 5:7 and Philippians 4:6)
Have you talked with your heavenly Father today? I believe if we really knew how much He loves us, we would rush to speak with Him every day and throughout the day. Psalm 103:13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
In order to begin to grasp the love of God toward us, meditate on Psalm 103. It will thrill your heart. Our God who never changes is depicted in this Old Testament passage as a loving Father and compassionate Creator. Is it any wonder that God desires to hear our voice?
Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, please help me today to begin to comprehend Your love for me. Please strengthen my trust in You and Your love. Although I often fail You, the Bible tells me that You love me and have a perfect plan for me. Direct my heart to lean on You every day. Thank You for Your love, mercy, compassion and grace. You are so good to me!